Project Information
EpicSideScroller is the final submission for the advanced level design class at UNT. For the 2 months I spent working on the game, I spent that time studying other games that used similar mechanics and features from the game I developed. I wrote up dozens of design breakdowns and analyses on games like Hollow Knight, Fez and Ori, and Blind Forest. I took inspiration from those games with the leadership of a former level designer from Disney, Gabriel Olson, to create a short 30-minute vertical slice of a dimension-switching side scroller game.
The game content itself features many metriodvania-esque mechanics from Hollow Knight and Ori. While cleanly integrating it with innovative mechanics from Fez. Basic mechanics like dashing, double jumping, and locational save points. This development was a fun exercise in scope management, analysis, and level design, something I hope to bring to my future projects with more refinement.